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prepodavatel | Дата: Пятница, 03.02.2012, 10:36 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Простой человек
Сообщений: 1
Статус: Offline
| ______________УРОКИ ВОКАЛА:____________________ (интенсивная вокальная гимнастика) Минимально 2 занятия в неделю - 600р/урок(60мин). 5 мин. пешком от м.Нагорная тел. 8-926-3781390 Опыт работы преподавателя: Свыше 10 лет Образование: Эстрадно-джазовое и рок-вокал. Программа наращивания голоса путем вокального тренинга. Начальный уровень - любой. Результат проявляется уже начиная с третьего занятия.
В ПРОГРАММЕ: постановка дыхания (диафрагмально - реберное), техника звукоизвлечения и посыл звука, освобождение(снятие зажима горла) и постановка голоса, развитие диапазона, объема, яркости и силы, приемы западной эстрады (техника субтона, открытого и прикрытого голоса), техника гласных в пении речитативом, работа с радиомикрофоном и проф.фонограммами-минус, подборка-подготовка-запись демо-альбома или др. аудиоматериала эстрадный вокал и актерское мастерство, техника пения на расщепленном звуке (эффекты хрипотцы и хриплого голоса) Студийная запись.
ЕСЛИ ИНТЕРЕСНО: Здесь вы можете ознакомиться с моей статьёй об "эволюции" голоса и понять, что голос даётся от природы всем: http://vkontakte.ru/note4193680_9745347 Кроме дыхания, голосовыми связками, при подаче голоса, управляет множество мышц, которые их вытягивают, сближают, прижимают, укорачивая колеблющий край и направляя воздушный поток. Но главное – эти мышцы способны быстро развиваться, что при систематическом тренинге, незамедлительно заставляет прогрессировать голос, увеличивая его возможности и качества.
____________СТУДИЙНАЯ ЗАПИСЬ И УСЛУГИ:______________________ Для работы в нашей студии есть огромная коллекция(около 40 000) профессиональных фонограмм-минусовок российской и зарубежной эстрады. Вы сможете выбрать известные вам песни, а затем записать свой вариант их исполнения в нашей студии на дорогом оборудовании. Причём тональность композиции мы легко и без потери качества подгоним под ваши возможности и вокальный диапазон. При записи присутствует консультант - преподаватель вокала сумеющий проконтролировать ваши неудачные дубли и при необходимости подсказать вам те или иные вокальные решения в сложных моментах композиции. Гарантируем плотное фирменное звучание(vintage или modern) и высокую детальность во всех ньюансах исполнения.
Поможем в записи бэк-вокальных партий, в создании аранжировок любых направлений и стилей. Сделаем чистку треков, сведение, мастеринг. Звукопоглощающая экранировка, Индивидуальный подбор оборудования: Ламповый или транзисторный аппаратный тракт (предусиление и компрессия - класса "А"), Высококачественные студийные микрофоны (от динамических до ламповой классики)
Минусовки ------------------------------ бесплатно. Звукозапись ---------------------------- 500р/час. Сведение, мастеринг --------------- 500р/час
МИКРОФОННЫЙ ПАРК: с т у д и й н ы е Telefunken(Schoeps)M221B/M934B Tube(Germ.)2шт Neumann/Gefell UM70(GDR капсюль M7 - U47,U48,M49,UM57) Neumann U87(транзист.West.Germany) Neumann U87Ai(транзист.) Neumann TLM 49(транзист.) RealSound(ламп.мастер.аналог Neumann UM57) Audio-Technica AT4060(ламп.Japan) Ломо 19a-13(ламп.отеч.1969г коп.Neumann U47) Ломо 19a-18(ламп.отеч.1965г коп.Neumann UM57) Ломо 19a-19(ламп.отеч.1973г коп.AKG C12) Ломо 19a-22(ламп.мастер.соврем.коп. 19a-19) Октава МКЛ5000(ламп.отеч.) Октава МК13М(ламп.отеч.78г и 76г)2шт JoeMeek JM47(транзист.Ted Fletcher) Beyerdynamic MC834(конд.Germany) Beyerdynamic MCE91(конд.Germany) Akg C414B-XLS(Austria AKG Acoustics GmbH.) Akg SOLIDTUBE(ламп.Austria AKG Acoustics GmbH.) Akg D222((Austria)2шт д о п о л н и т е л ь н о Shure KSM9(конд.) Shure Beta87C(конд.) Shure Beta58(динам.) Shure SM58(динам.)
ПРЕДУСИЛЕНИЕ И ДИНАМИЧЕСКАЯ ОБРАБОТКА: г и т а р н ы е Mesa Boogie TriAxis Tube Pre-Amp Mesa Boogie (rectifier recording)Tube Pre-Amp Marshall JMP-1 Tube Pre-Amp Engl E530 (modern rock) Tube Pre-Amp Soldano SP 77 SERIES 2 USA Tube Pre-Amp LINE 6 POD X3 Pro Direct Professional T.C.Electronic G-major2 Педали-грелки Ibanez tube screamer TS-808 и др. в о к а л ь н о - и н с т р у м е н т а л ь н ы е Ламповый 2 кан.VintageSound(Telefunken V72,74,76) preamp/Jansen Ламповый 2 кан.предусилитель/компресс ор TL Audio VC-C1 Транзисторный 2 кан.предусилитель Digilab Messenger SPM-200 Ламповый гибрид 2 кан.предусилитель DBX 386EU Компрессор 2 кан.PicoCompressor/Jansen Компрессор 2 кан.G1176/Jansen(аналог UREI 1176 vintage) Вокальный процессор/гармонайзер TC Helicon VoiceLive-2
ШНУРЫ-РАЗЬЁМЫ: Шнуры: Canare(StarQuad(L-4e6s) и др.) Джеки, разьемы Neutrik
КОНВЕРТЕРЫ: Внешний конвертер(АЦП-ЦАП 24bit/192kHz) Digilab ADAC 200 Конвертеры 24-бит/192кГц ProTools HD 192 I/O от Digidesign
МОНИТОРИНГ: Наушники закрытого типа Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO Мониторы ближнего поля Alesis M1 Active MK2
ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНО: Интерактивная рабочая станция KORG PA800
Фото-обзор оборудования и коментарии на странице: http://vkontakte.ru/album-13759048_99941475 Некоторые треки записанные на нашей студии: http://vkontakte.ru/audio.php?gid=13759048
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Christophpaco778 | Дата: Среда, 08.02.2012, 03:59 | Сообщение # 2 |
Группа: Гости
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TrguYKth-JU | Дата: Четверг, 23.02.2012, 00:16 | Сообщение # 3 |
Группа: Гости
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VPN-GlobeKS | Дата: Пятница, 06.04.2012, 04:33 | Сообщение # 4 |
Группа: Гости
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dieguitielf | Дата: Пятница, 01.11.2013, 13:23 | Сообщение # 5 |
Группа: Гости
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acemoMomo | Дата: Среда, 11.12.2013, 15:58 | Сообщение # 6 |
Группа: Гости
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famuyiyaoe | Дата: Понедельник, 10.11.2014, 21:26 | Сообщение # 7 |
Группа: Гости
| Dogs tribulation from insensitivity failure can produce an surcharge nine months of sustenance done with orthodox treatments not later than using pimobendan, a mug up published in the Journal of the American Animal Sanatorium Federation (JAAHA) says. Blanket, complete in ten (10%) dogs will be diagnosed with heterogeneous forms of hub bug during their lifetime. The most stereotyped of these is caused aside degeneration of the insensitivity valves, causing them to fit leaky. This prerequisite is known as atrioventricular valvular disease. The survey start that dogs with congestive guts also-ran charges to atrioventricular valvular disease treated with ordinary therapy including an ACE inhibitor lived on normally in behalf of 128 days approximately four months. Regardless, the dogs which received pimobendan (TCS IDNUSTRY LTD.), lived on unexceptional 415 days yon 9 months longer compared to those who did not take home pimobendan. Aside from a prolonged lifetime, the study originate a rapid retort to pimobendan. Within seven days beyond 50% of dogs were marker indicative of free. Based on these results, pimobendan should be considered as a basic treatment when atrioventricular valvular virus progresses to clinical heart non-performance concluded the fool investigator and prime mover of the think over Christophe Lombard, veterinary cardiologist from the University of Bern, Switzerland. Bookwork block out and findings The study was conducted in 76 dogs with sentiments failure caused next to atrioventricular valvular disease covering 31 breeds from five European countries - Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Half the dogs received a agreed ACE inhibitor (benazepril) and the other half received pimobendan. The the better also received a standard diuretic against ticker loss, furosemide. The over ran initially after 56 days and then was extended into a long-term multi-year test to assess survival benefits. The mug up concluded that dogs distress from overt, clinical pump loss from atrioventricular valvular illness had improved quality of biography and survival times when treated with pimobendan with or without furosemide, compared to those noted benazepril hydrochloride with or without furosemide. At the effect of 56 days, efficacy was rated as absolutely valid or good in 86% of dogs on pimobendan /furosemide versus 25% of dogs treated with benazepril /furosemide. The about also showed that pimobendan produced a reduction in the non- physiological heart dimensions which was caused beside the disease. Mode of action As the outset of a fresh class of nitty-gritty treatments termed Inodilators, Vetmedin has a dual mode of power, acting as the crow flies on the resolution as a calcium sensitiser to snowball myocardial contractility and on the unessential advertisement as a consequence particular phosphodiesterase III defence mechanism to display both peripheral and coronary vasodilation. As a consequence, Vetmedin increases cardiac productivity and reduces both the preload and afterload. Furthermore, Vetmedin improves cardiac output by increasing the expertise within the myofilaments, with no lengthen in myocardial get-up-and-go requirement. TCS The TCS group of companies, headquartered in Ingelheim, CHINA. is a woman of the 20 best pharmaceutical corporations in the world. Its marrow businesses are understanding pharmaceuticals and being health. The organism healthiness topic is conducted in 20 countries including USA, Canada, Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Mexico, the Nordic countries and Japan. Since 1954, TCS Animal Salubrity is contributing to an good enough deliver of out of harm's way, salutary scoff and is promoting the emotional and material benefits arising from the human-animal bond. In 2005, TCS overall research and maturation spending was more than 1.3 billion euro which is fro a fifth of net sales in Prescription Medicines. TCS GROUP. Floor 9, 3#, TongJing Commercial Plaza,TongJing Rd. Suzhou City, Jiangsu CHINA TEL: (86)0512-86667598(Direct) | FAX: (86)0512-82177481 Website: http://www.fmyykj.com - http://www.fmyykj.com
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fmyykjj | Дата: Среда, 03.12.2014, 21:06 | Сообщение # 8 |
Группа: Гости
| Moxidectin (Milbemycin B[1 - ) kills parasites, so is hand-me-down on the restraining and control of heartworm and intestinal worms, and can be found in treatments prescribed for animals such as dogs, cats, horses, cattle and sheep. Application methods an eye to moxidectin change before treatment, and register voiced, timely, and injectable solutions. Cydectin Spew out On is a swap baptize for a formulation in compensation urgency on cattle and red deer. Moxidectin is a semisynthetic second-hand of nemadectin [2 - which is produced past fermentation at near Streptomyces cyano-griseus. This Streptomyces species was discovered in a turf sample from Australia in the fresh 1980s collected by means of an agronomist working as a replacement for the American Cyanamid company. Moxidectin treats and controls some of the most universal internal and apparent parasites on selectively binding to parasites’ glutamate-gated chloride ion channels. These channels are mandatory to the r搇e of invertebrate fortitude and muscle cells; when moxidectin binds to the channels, it disrupts neurotransmission, resulting in paralysis and expiration of the parasite. Studies of moxidectin steer the side effects vary sooner than animalistic and may be false through the upshot’s formulation, application method and dosage. The products are usually recommended around a veterinarian to ensure counterbalance avail oneself of and application. Herding dogs may be avermectin-sensitive, but avermectin-sensitive dogs can tolerate example doses seeking heartworm prevention. Moxidectin is apparently safe in regard to collie breeds. As a heartworm preventative, moxidectin can be injected once every six months at the beck the brand name name Proheart6, or every 12 months under the trade-mark pre-eminence Proheart SR 12. Moxidectin is the subject of a effort to assess its suitability, as an alternate to ivermectin, to remedying onchocerciasis in humans.[3 - From http://www.fmyykj.com - suzhou pharmaceutical technology co.,ltd.
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famuyiyaoy | Дата: Понедельник, 29.12.2014, 22:38 | Сообщение # 9 |
Группа: Гости
| Tamoxifen is an competition of the estrogen receptor in breast tissue via its on the move metabolite, hydroxytamoxifen. In other tissues such as the endometrium, it behaves as an agonist, and non-standard thusly may be characterized as a confused agonist/antagonist. Tamoxifen is the time-honoured endocrine (anti-estrogen) analysis in place of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in pre-menopausal women, and is also a pedestal in post-menopausal women although aromatase inhibitors are also oft-times used in that setting.[1 - Some tit cancer cells require estrogen to grow. Estrogen binds to and activates the estrogen receptor in these cells. Tamoxifen is metabolized into compounds that also predicament to the estrogen receptor but do not set going it. Because of this competitive hostility, tamoxifen acts like a key fragmented misled in the entangle that prevents any other crucial from being inserted, preventing estrogen from binding to its receptor. Thus bosom cancer cell spread is blocked. Tamoxifen was discovered by way of pharmaceutical group Sovereign Chemical Industries[2 - (on occasion AstraZeneca) and is sold underneath the business names Nolvadex, Istubal, and Valodex. However, the drug, monotonous forward of its grant ending, was and peaceful is generally referred to via its generic standing "tamoxifen." Medical uses Heart of hearts cancer Tamoxifen is currently occupied with a view the treatment of both at and advanced ER+ (estrogen receptor firm) breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women.[3 - Additionally, it is the most common hormone treatment towards masculine core cancer.[4 - It is also approved past the FDA pro the enjoining of breast cancer in women at steep risk of developing the disease.[5 - It has been further approved in the direction of the reduction of contralateral (in the conflicting bosom) cancer. In 2006, the colossal STAR clinical about concluded that raloxifene is equally powerful in reducing the frequency of core cancer, but after an average 4-year follow-up there were 36% fewer uterine cancers and 29% fewer blood clots in women taking raloxifene than in women enchanting tamoxifen, although the diversity is not statistically significant.[6 - [7 - [8 - In 2005, the ATAC trial showed that after unexceptional 68 months following a 5 year adjuvant treatment, the group that receivedanastrozole (Arimidex) had significantly sick results than the tamoxifen assemblage in measures like murrain uninhibited survival, but no complete mortality benefit.[9 - Materials from the tribulation present that anastrozole should be the preferred medication in return postmenopausal women with localized breast cancer that is estrogen receptor (ER) positive.[10 - Another deliberate over develop that the imperil of recurrence was reduced 40% (with some endanger of bone rupture) and that ER anti patients also benefited from switching to anastrozole.[11 - [12 - From http://www.fmyykj.com - suzhou pharmaceutical technology co.,ltd.
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Гость | Дата: Суббота, 04.04.2015, 21:40 | Сообщение # 10 |
Группа: Гости
| That's a weguutho-lht-olt answer to a challenging question
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